Water Distribution Math Questions

Water Distribution Math Questions

Solving water distribution math questions is a great way to prepare for your Operator Exam.  Take a look at the following sample question, and try to solve it on your own.


The answer is located at the bottom of this page.  I included step-by-step solutions to help you understand how to solve this question


If you’re taking the Water Distribution Operator Certification Exam, make sure to learn how to solve this type of math question.  It’s very important.





  1. A house is located on top of a hill.  The water main that serves it has a pressure of 70 PSI, exactly 40 feet below the house.  Calculate the water pressure at the house.







Water Distribution sample math




Step 1:


Convert 70 PSI to head. 


“Head” is water pressure, expressed in feet.  To convert 70 PSI to head, we’ll multiply it by a conversion factor of 2.31 feet / PSI.






practice problem water math

“161.7 feet of head” means that if water is stacked 161.7 feet above this Water Main, it would create a water pressure of 70 PSI.



Calculate the water pressure at this house.


To do so, calculate the difference between “161.7 feet of head” and 40 feet (the vertical distance from the Water Main to the house).  This difference is the head of the water at the house.  Look at the photo below to help you understand this calculation.



Water Distribution practice question



161.7 feet – 40 feet = 121.7 feet


121.7 feet is the head of the water at the house.  Again, “head” is water pressure in feet.



Water Distribution Operator Certification Classes





Convert 121.7 feet to PSI.


To do so, multiply 121.7 feet by a conversion factor of 0.433 PSI / foot . 


California Water Distribution Operator Exam






Therefore, the water pressure at the house is 52.7 PSI.


California water distribution exam

If you’re taking the Operator Certification Exam, solve as many water distribution math questions as possible.  It’s the best way to prepare for the math questions on the exam.


If you need help with improving your math skills, enroll in the following online course:  Water Distribution Operator Certification Classes .   It will help you pass your exam.



Practice Exams for Water Distribution Operator Certification

Online Course – Water Distribution Operator Certification Classes











Additional Water Distribution Math Question:  Water Math